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 PIC Audio Frequency Generator


  PIC 18F4550 Audio Frequency Generator


A Project by:
Frank/K7SFN,  Tony/I2TZK, Dinesh/VU2FD, Mirko/IK2MKM



AUDIO GENERATOR main features :

Smart and very eco hardware implementation

Free firmware and software for the Ham Radio Community

Generate standard sine, sawtooth and square wave from 10Hz to 50KHz

Generate two tones for cat-eye SSB test

Generate AFSK tones (2125/2295 Hz)

Generate white and pink noise

Generate arbitrary waveform

Special PC program allows to design custom waveforms and upload the generator memory

PIC18F4550 based Audio Generator project implements a Digital Direct Synthesizer (DDS), a type of frequency synthesizer used for creating arbitrary waveforms from a single, fixed-frequency reference clock.

In its simplest form this particular circuit configuration can be implemented from a precision clock reference, an address counter, a programmable memory, and a D/A converter


Completed PIC18F4550 Audio Frequency Generator:

Click image to enlarge

PCB Top View:

Click image to enlarge


 FD-AFG-0113 Doc & Schematic:

Technical Info Doc
Schematic & Parts List
Schematic Part 1 JPG
Schematic Part 2 JPG
 Data Sheets & Firmware Download


PIC18F4550 Firmware V1.04 by Tony / I2TZK
Audio Generator PC Software V1.04 by Tony / I2TZK
User Guide

OEN42 Relay 12V
MCP1702 3.3V (Option)


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Audio Frequency Generator Complete kit with free metal case  68.00
Also available in INR 

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