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 Amateur Radio Satellite Operation:
  Satellite Antenna Tracking Interface: ST2-RS232:
USB Version of ST2 is here.....
All Available Satellite Antenna Tracking Interfaces
 Satellite Tracking & Prediction Interface

FD-ST2-RS232: Use your choice of USB Adapter!

PCB Rev1020:  

No design change from Last PCB type 0220. Only change of type of ferrite beads/RFCs


Click the picture to enlarge

ST2-RS232 is an advanced Satellite Antenna Tracking Interface for Yaesu (Or similar) Rotor Controllers based on LVB Tracker Firmware. Project uses PIC16F976A, 28PIN DIP. Firmware uses full A/D and EEprom capability of 876A and make setup a smooth process.

ST2 measures 14x8cm and is designed on a double sided PTH board.

Screw Terminals are used for Rotor Connections to simplify installation. 

ST2 supports GS232, Extended GS232 and Easycomm commands, making it a suitable interface to use with NOVA, SatPC32 and many more, having above interface servers.

ST2 Kits & Assembled now, includes a free powder coated metal case.

ST2 is now offered with two types of LVB Tracker Firmware: LVB V0.7 and New Mod FW By KR1ST V1.2

Completed ST2-RS232: Main Board

Click the image to enlarge

ST2-RS232 Schematics, Details & Parts List:
ST2-RS232 Tech Info Doc. 0-500MHZ RF Sensor Document
ST2-RS232 Schematic & Parts List 0-500MHZ RF Sensor Document
ST2-RS232 Schematic - JPG JPG
ST2 Config Guide  FW LVB 0.7

0-500MHZ RF Sensor Document


0-500MHZ RF Sensor Document

ST2 Configuration Guide  FW KR1ST V1.20

0-500MHZ RF Sensor Document

  Useful Info Docs

Using ST2-USB with "SDR-Console" by VU2LBW

0-500MHZ RF Sensor Document

 ST2 Setup Guide for SatPC32 & G5500

0-500MHZ RF Sensor Document


0-500MHZ RF Sensor Document

Add-New Satellite to SatPC32/Nova

0-500MHZ RF Sensor Document

LVB Tracker Web Page

Analog Device AD8307 Datasheet

Datasheet PIC16F876A 

Analog Device AD8307 Datasheet

PIC16F876A Firmware KR1-1.20

PIC16F876A Firmware LVB-0.7

PstRotor Satellite Antenna Tracking Software by YO3DMU:

Click image to Visit YO3DMU  Webpage

 PstRotor Details: 
 Buy On-Line
ST2-RS232 Complete Kit or Assembled 69.00
ST2-RS232 Parts List
FW Selection Options: LVB 0.7 or KR1ST V1.20






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