SWM5: Dual Channel SWR Meter
and 30MHZ Frequency Counter
Project by:
Tony / I2TZK,
/ K7SFN , Dinesh / VU2FD

SWM5 is an dual channel SWR Meter suitable for
use with HF
Dual Scale, HFB3, HFB4
or HFB5 RF
SWM5 board is an add-on board which fits on top of GCPUx main board to
create a 2 Channel SWR Meter. Measurement results are
displayed on 128X64 Graphic LCD. A PC program is be available.
GCPUx+SWM5 Unit may be used as a
standalone SWR Meter.
battery board is included with this kit. You may buy either NiMh or NiCad battery
pack with 7.2V output. (kits or assembled will not include batteries
as they are not allowed by postal service)
Main Board with metal case |
Click to enlarge
GCPUx main
board with SWM5 :add-on" Board:
Click to enlarge